Monday, September 30, 2013

Government Shutdown could be a Good Thing

The Nightly News report on Sunday talked about the possible "government shutdown" that could happen tonight at midnight, if congress can't decide how to spend money. I wondered, what does that mean?

According to a couple of websites...
66 questions and answers about the government shutdown
10 ways a government shutdown would affect your daily life
...there are several things that would happen and affect Americans somewhere between an inconvenience and a life crisis. Inconveniences would include - some government offices being closed. You wouldn't be able to get certain things or else it would get delayed... your passport, for example. Customer service for government programs would be closed. Crises include not getting paid if you're a federal worker, or having your paycheck delayed... which really, is only an crises for those who live paycheck to paycheck... which more than 60% of Americans do, according to Dave Ramsey. Or, if your business depends on tourism to national parks... because in a government shutdown, the parks would all be closed.

But what is most interesting to me is HOW the news articles and TV clips reported it. They said it was possibly going to happen if republicans and democrats couldn't agree. But when they tried to explain what the hangup was, their wordage seemed to suggest one side was clearly wrong... "House republicans won't pass the bill because they don't want to fund Obamacare (aka The Affordable Care Act) which will continue moving forward anyway, and if the government goes into shutdown, it could cost the American people millions." (not an exact direct quote, fyi.)

But, wouldn't agreeing to fund Obamacare cost the American people several millions or Billions more? 

I think Republican's are right to defund Obamacare. It's unconstitutional and I Don't Want It.

Reasons I don't want it:
1. As a former poor college student, I couldn't afford it. Not even if it was only $10 per month.

2. I believe in the freedom of choice. I want to choose what insurance I'll pay for and if I even want it to begin with.

3. There are speculations and some clear numbers coming out that say the middle class will become part of the poor class if Obamacare (and other things) stick around. I'm unwilling to fund something that will send my family towards the poverty line along with the rest of the middle class! I'd prefer to raise my [future] several children in a place with more than 2 bedrooms, thank you!

4. I intend to save and be wealthy when I'm an old person. If I'm wealthy, I don't need health insurance because I'll Have Money. At that point, I can go to any doctor I want to!

One politician said "This isn't the time to be debating the funding of Obamacare" and I don't know if he's right or wrong, but I do know that there comes times in our nation where the constitution hangs by a thread and the citizens of this nation need to rise up and support the constitution against corrupt congressmen and illegal legislation. I think this might be one of those times.

In my household, if I can't afford it even when all my priorities are straight, then I think congress can't afford it either. Congress, Do Not Fund something the Citizens of This Nation cannot Afford!

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