Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Presidential Election

Not that anyone cares what I think; they probably don't. I mean, elections are over, so what is there to talk about? "I'm excited!" or "I'm disappointed" in the various spectrum of emotion. But I want to Blog about it anyway.

Statements bouncing around in my head...

"6 billion dollars spent on the 2012 elections, to maintain the status quo." -KSL News

"90% of Germans supported Obama. They are happy with the results. They support his healthcare plan. They are socialists." - Aunt Emmalou (visiting in Germany during election day)

"Now Obama can blame the president of the last four years for leaving the country in a horrible economic situation with more debt than he will have a clue how to handle. Oh, wait the president of the last four years WAS Obama. Nope can't blame him. Yes, he will blame Bush because it's not Obama's fault!" -Facebook user

A husband on Facebook: "I wasn't sure we were going to survive either way, At least now no one will be able to blame the collapse on Mormons."
A wife on Facebook: "Haha. Very level-headed doomsday predictions, dear."

"A stark difference between President Obama and Governor Romney is that Romney is eager to take responsibility while Obama repeatedly pledges to take responsibility and then fakes it. ...But does Obama truly take responsibility or fake responsibility? We’ve had four years of Obama shooting messengers (including Fox News) and blaming others (before it was Romney it was President Bush, Republicans and the Tea Party). We’ve had four years of Obama insisting that he knows best and that anywhere there have been “bumps in the road” it is because of potholes and craters made by others—never by him. The president can’t have it both ways. With leadership responsibility comes leadership accountability." -Fox News

"Obama will bring 'more of the same.'" -Mitt Romney, among others

"Romney will undo everything we've worked towards in the last 4 years." -Barack Obama

"One wonders if ObamaCare's mandate is a good idea, why it was delayed? Obama and those Democratic Senators and Congressmen who voted for ObamaCare appear to think you might not be happy with what happens in 2014 and they prefer you come face to face with the non-negotiable mandate after you vote in 2012." -Fox News

"Why would anyone vote for Obama?" -Dave Allred
"Because he's bought them off and bribed them. He did it with "affordable" health insurance, mandatory coverage, Obama-phones, a new car with the 'cash for clunkers' stimulus; new appliances and windows in the name of 'energy saving' and 'green.' He saved some people's jobs by bailing out banks and car companies that deserved to fail. 
He's the "favorite parent" who bails out their kid and then spoils them. These problems are not our fault, he says. It's not his fault. It's some dead guy's fault. Or your old babysitter's fault. 
Of course people voted for him. They like parents who buy things for them... things they want and don't need. He promises to take care of everybody so that you don't have to put the effort into doing it yourself. He'll make all the hard decisions for you." -Keshia Allred (me)


I've got an idea! Lets divide this country into 3 Nations - Republicans, Democrats, and 3rd party/moderate/"I hate politics" people. Then lets see who goes bankrupt first! And see if anyone actually survives! In fact, we should make this into a simulated computer game or an app first... how would that work? Any suggestions? Then, whichever nation survives, bails out the other two nations and unites them under a working and stable government. Any takers? 


Teresa Gashler said...

I love the idea of seeing who would survive :) Though, as a recent third party convert, I don't want to be put in the same category as some of the third parties, or they will cancel each other out.

Keyisme said...

Which 3rd party do you like? I've looked into a couple of them, but not very throughly; I'm sure there's got to be one out there for me... because I don't seem to like either major party all that much.

Your right though, it's not really fair to group all 3rd parties together... the biggest war would probably be there because they have such an wide range of ideas... and would be establishing a very different government based on it.