Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Presidential Election

Not that anyone cares what I think; they probably don't. I mean, elections are over, so what is there to talk about? "I'm excited!" or "I'm disappointed" in the various spectrum of emotion. But I want to Blog about it anyway.

Statements bouncing around in my head...

"6 billion dollars spent on the 2012 elections, to maintain the status quo." -KSL News

"90% of Germans supported Obama. They are happy with the results. They support his healthcare plan. They are socialists." - Aunt Emmalou (visiting in Germany during election day)

"Now Obama can blame the president of the last four years for leaving the country in a horrible economic situation with more debt than he will have a clue how to handle. Oh, wait the president of the last four years WAS Obama. Nope can't blame him. Yes, he will blame Bush because it's not Obama's fault!" -Facebook user

A husband on Facebook: "I wasn't sure we were going to survive either way, At least now no one will be able to blame the collapse on Mormons."
A wife on Facebook: "Haha. Very level-headed doomsday predictions, dear."

"A stark difference between President Obama and Governor Romney is that Romney is eager to take responsibility while Obama repeatedly pledges to take responsibility and then fakes it. ...But does Obama truly take responsibility or fake responsibility? We’ve had four years of Obama shooting messengers (including Fox News) and blaming others (before it was Romney it was President Bush, Republicans and the Tea Party). We’ve had four years of Obama insisting that he knows best and that anywhere there have been “bumps in the road” it is because of potholes and craters made by others—never by him. The president can’t have it both ways. With leadership responsibility comes leadership accountability." -Fox News

"Obama will bring 'more of the same.'" -Mitt Romney, among others

"Romney will undo everything we've worked towards in the last 4 years." -Barack Obama

"One wonders if ObamaCare's mandate is a good idea, why it was delayed? Obama and those Democratic Senators and Congressmen who voted for ObamaCare appear to think you might not be happy with what happens in 2014 and they prefer you come face to face with the non-negotiable mandate after you vote in 2012." -Fox News

"Why would anyone vote for Obama?" -Dave Allred
"Because he's bought them off and bribed them. He did it with "affordable" health insurance, mandatory coverage, Obama-phones, a new car with the 'cash for clunkers' stimulus; new appliances and windows in the name of 'energy saving' and 'green.' He saved some people's jobs by bailing out banks and car companies that deserved to fail. 
He's the "favorite parent" who bails out their kid and then spoils them. These problems are not our fault, he says. It's not his fault. It's some dead guy's fault. Or your old babysitter's fault. 
Of course people voted for him. They like parents who buy things for them... things they want and don't need. He promises to take care of everybody so that you don't have to put the effort into doing it yourself. He'll make all the hard decisions for you." -Keshia Allred (me)


I've got an idea! Lets divide this country into 3 Nations - Republicans, Democrats, and 3rd party/moderate/"I hate politics" people. Then lets see who goes bankrupt first! And see if anyone actually survives! In fact, we should make this into a simulated computer game or an app first... how would that work? Any suggestions? Then, whichever nation survives, bails out the other two nations and unites them under a working and stable government. Any takers? 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Property Tax Update

After I had posted my previous blog and my husband had read it, he came home and asked me a few questions about it. After some thought, I decided I needed to clarify a few things.

First off, I do realize that this is likely a borderline extreme view.

Secondly, my 'newly formed' opinion is not a super solid one, as this was the first time I'd brainstormed about the idea of property tax. I would not at all be offended if after the general population had put thought into it, decided that property tax was still justified for the purposes of firefighting, police, trash, water, snow removal, road maintenance, etc.

I also realize that there are very likely some technical issues on how this could or would be executed. I have, what I consider, an elementary understanding of politics, and therefore, I am more so in the stage of learning how it all works, and discovering my personal values as far as politics go.

This post was really meant more for bringing up topics that perhaps are not usually considered, and trying to stretch myself and my readers to do some critical thinking about how perhaps their 'ideal' government would work. I feel that if the wider American population put more thought into the basic principles and values of what government's role is, we would have a more diverse selection of candidates that had a fighting chance in each office.

I also think that the republican-democrat power struggle would be less of an issue if every American was researching all candidates of all affiliations, rather than voting for the guy that's most likely going to win the incumbent... or voting exclusively for one party. I feel that there are a far greater diversity of values, opinions, and morals than could possibly be represented by Republicans vs. Democrats. I would like the American people to discover their base values and then vote more on an individual basis rather than along party lines - which rarely does anyone 100% align with.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Property Tax

I have been working on filling out my ballot today about who I want to vote for in the coming November 2012 election, when I got side tracked on the question about Constitutional Amendment B - found on the following website:

It asks if military personnel serving 200 days out of a year, can pass on paying property tax that year on their primary residence. The other property owners would make up the difference.

I started researching what property tax pays for. This list is as follows (with some variation between states):

- public education (elementary/middle), admins, teacher salary, state education (HS and college)

- city and county government salary and operations

- firefighters, police, outreach programs, library, trash, water, snow plowing

- infrastructure maintenance and improvements for roads, parks, buildings, community/senior centers, athletic fields, museums and shelters.

At first, I listed 'definitely charge property tax' as things that everyone would use or wants access to - police services, firefighting services, trash, water, snow plowing, road maintenance, etc... and then labeled the rest under 'definitely', 'maybe', and 'no.' But then I realized, renters don't pay property tax, but they use all of those services. And furthermore, my landlord does not live in the state, but she pays for these services which she does not use, on the renter's behalf. Theoretically this is reflected in our rental price agreement, however, I think that it would be well for renter's to realize that they DO PAY for government services, and it's NOT FREE nor is it an ENTITLEMENT. Therefore, I have decided that these services should be taxed to every person residing in America, no matter their property ownership status.

Secondly, an illegal immigrant will receive the same firefighting, trash, water, snow plowing, and road maintenance help that everyone else does, and therefore, they should also share the bill. 

In theory, we could just charge all USA residents a flat fee for government services, but it would do two things - cause undue financial stress to those who didn't have a job or income for a period of time; and two, favor the wealthy because it would feel like a small bill in comparison to their entire income.

So, in my opinion, the best way to pay for these services is through a flat income tax. Every working individual will be able to share the bill in a way that they can afford and that they can budget for. For example, if the federal government charged a 5% income tax, and so did the state, all working people would know they need to set aside 10% of each paycheck to pay towards taxes. A percentage of income does not encourage or discourage anyone to be rich or become poor. It would encourage a more transparent, simplifed tax and spending system. 

If any of my readers are freaking out about paying 10% of their income in taxes, I encourage you to add up how much you pay in federal tax, state tax, income tax, property tax, investment taxes, etc etc etc. Several newspapers and studies in the last year or so have reported that most Americans send about 50% of their income to taxes, when it all comes down to it. 

So, what about property tax? What would that cover? I sat thinking for a good 20 minutes about what property tax should cover - services for only property owners and not renters... and the only thing I could come up with is property/homeowner insurance. But the problem with charging for that, is that, for a rare person, who owns their property outright, having no loan or mortgage on it, why should they be required to pay property tax? A proper response might be, "so if there's a fire or mudslide or natural disaster, etc, they won't have lost everything." But what if that homeowner has the money to outright replace that property with the cash they've got saved up? Why pay someone else to insure your home if you've got it covered? Especially when disaster is an 'if'? Why pay insurance for years and years if the likelihood you'll ever need to use it is 1%? And you've insured yourself? 

So, I've come to the conclusion that property tax is 100% a way for government to tax citizens for services they don't want, need, or that fund services that more than just homeowners use. 

Secondly, I've decided that Homeowner's Insurance should be strongly advised for all those who do not outright own their homes (and some who do, whom do not have enough savings to replace it). Anyone who opts out of homeowner's insurance should be VERY AWARE that in case of Natural Disaster, etc, Nobody owes you anything. You are not Entitled to receive aid regarding Losing your House. I think if you can afford to purchase or make payments on a house, you should also be able to afford homeowner's insurance. 

Lastly, I don't believe in property tax because I can imagine an 80-year-old woman who lives in the mountains, 100 miles from the nearest grocery store; milks the cow, grows a garden, and lives 95% off of her own land - - sells only enough produce, etc, to buy a minimal of supplies (sugar, canning jars, etc) - - doesn't even use currency, and loses her home and property simply because she doesn't have a money-based paying job to pay the stupid property taxes. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Funny BUT True... HA HA HA!

The $50 Lesson


An unknown author’s story:

Recently, while I was working in the flower beds in the front yard, my neighbors stopped to chat as they returned home from walking their dog. During our friendly conversation, I asked their little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day.

Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, “If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?” She replied… “I’d give food and houses to all the homeless people.”

Her parents beamed with pride!

“Wow…what a worthy goal!” I said. “But you don’t have to wait until you’re President to do that!” I told her.

“What do you mean?” she replied.

So I told her, “You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and trim my hedge, and I’ll pay you $50. Then you can go over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out and give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.”

She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, “Why doesn’t the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?”

I said, “Welcome to the Republican Party.” Her parents aren’t speaking to me anymore.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Life, Liberty, and YOUR FUTURE

I ran across this YouTube Video on a Facebook page called "Can this Goat get more fans than Barack Obama?" This video has got a lot of ideas packed into a short space... and I truly wish more people in the United States understood these concept(s). Specifically, that government should not have the right to tell people what to do concerning personal preferences. The government is only there to create order, safety and peace.

Some of the things that I thought of while watching this was the recent law that was passed in New York, where people decided it was a good idea to legally prohibit soft drink cups over (20 oz?) to be sold... to prevent people from "getting fat."

I thought about the Healthcare debate... if you own your own life... don't you own the decision as to whether you want to take care of your life and your body? Or to decide not to? To take it to the doctor? To put cigarette smoke in it? To exercise it? To feed it good food? Or tasty junk food? 

If the Supreme Court were to decide that Obamacare is legal, then the next steps, naturally, would be to start creating laws that people purchase an ongoing gym membership; not be allowed to sell or buy cookies, ice cream, or anything with too much sugar/calories; Smoking and all damaging drugs would be outlawed. They could consider banning all dangerous sports such as rock climbing and sky diving. Perhaps they could even go as far as dictating that you have no more than one sexual partner per year, to prevent the spread of sexual diseases and un-wanted pregnancies.

All these laws would be in the name of making Health Insurance more affordable for everyone. Premiums would go down if more people took care of their bodies by exercising, eating healthy foods, and not participating in dangerous activities. 

How free would you feel if all those laws were passed?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Creamy Honey

Storing creamy honey in a cupboard above the stove is unwise, if you 1. use your stove, and 2. want your creamy, whipped honey to remain in a creamy, whipped state. 

Secondly, microwaving honey is never good for anyone. Use warm water. 

Speaking of accidents, it's important to know that when pickling cucumbers, not to let any vinegar mixed with mustard seed touch your kitchen counter. Apparently it's a permanent yellow stain. Unless it first leaks through a blue towel; then it's a permanent blue stain. 

Third, spraying spider spray along the floor where the sun constantly shines through the sliding glass window-door onto your white linoleum floor, could lead to a permanently DARK yellow stain. 

Forth, having a hand-me-down clothes dryer that can't do "low heat" (vs. high heat and no heat) can lead to permanent stains and problems with your clothes. Always check to see if your second-hand dryer is capable for functioning properly. 

Caulking the handle that's constantly falling off the toilet leads to more problems when you need to replace anything attached to that handle. 

Consider the other side of the wall before drilling a hole in your shower to fix the handles. 

These are just a few things I'm grateful to have learned before I ruined something important. (I'm not saying I learned all of these the hard way; I did not. Just the honey ones, the pickling ones, and the clothes dryer - I got lucky.)

Friday, September 14, 2012


Recently Facebook has been made public to the stock-market. But there's constant debate about the value of Facebook for businesses.

What is the value of a 'like'? If someone 'likes' it, does it mean they're willing to buy its services? Will they use ad links to purchase services?

If a company is nationwide and has 4,000 'likes' vs. a local hamburger joint that has 40 'likes' does it reflect the company's popularity or determine its likely success? What if there was a 'dislike' button on Facebook? And that national company had 4,000 dislikes, while that hamburger joint had 2 dislikes? Would that be a more accurate description of its popularity?

Would 'likes' increase or decrease if any given company did/did not post updates about their business? If I 'liked' 40 different businesses, and each one had an update each week, would I feel bombarded with ads on my homepage? Personally, I would. And I'd go 'unlike' most or all of them. If this is the case, the value of a 'like' would go up. But the downside, is every business would have far fewer 'likes' than is possibly accurate.

Personally, as a young adult and from a technology-savy generation, I think the value of Facebook is minimal. I've clicked on ads on the side maybe 5 times in 5 years, and 3 of those times, it was spam that lead me to a completely different site. As a rule, I don't click on ads.

Secondly, I prefer to research companies from other sites to determine their quality of service. I don't get recommendations from Facebook friends hardly ever, and even when I do, I still do my research elsewhere.

Third, the biggest reason I use Facebook is because it's like an online address book. I don't have to try to keep up with my friends changing addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, and even if I loose all 3, I can still contact them via Facebook.

The second reason I use Facebook is to find out what my drifting away, or super busy friends are doing, without trying to get hold of them during their busy life, and making them recap their life for the 20th time. We can all keep up with each other's lives without making it impossible for everyone to get anything done. There are seasons in life where one is too busy to be social and other times, when it's time to strengthen old friendships.

And the last reason I use Facebook, is to try to determine the wide-spread opinions of people, particularly friends, on different topics... some political, some domestic, and to find out how informed my friends are on different subjects. This, however, has been disappointingly ineffective because even when I put a question in poll format and email it to 400 friends, I get a minimal number of responses. Not that I blame them; if everyone has 400 friends and a busy life with a finite amount of time, there will likely be fewer responses than hoped for.

For this reason, I've come to believe that Facebook is a place where many people tend to be slightly more self-centered; talking about their life, soapboxes, and complaining about little things... and only checking the status of their close friends and family... most of the time. I have nothing against that, and it has its place, but it definitely does nothing for the value of Facebook towards companies.

"I hope I don't die tonight."

"I hope I don't die tonight."

This is what an American Ambassador supposedly said earlier that day while being online. ( See comment #33.

Apparently this attack was provoked by an american film written about muslims, which was recently translated and posted on YouTube. (“Innocence of Muslims” or “Mohammed, Prophet of the Muslims”).

According to the NewYork Daily News, this movie might have been translated inappropriately to include references about muhammad in a very rude way. (

As a result, a group of muslims seem to have taken offense and created a group to send a message to America by attacking the American Embassy. Unfortunately, J. Christopher Stevens, and 3 others were in the way of the muslim rage.

Americans (and many countries) are in shock. We live in a world where people are constantly being rude to each other; religion and personal beliefs are regularly being attacked; we yell back, swear, sometimes punch someone, but I imagine a lot of us just brush it off and ignore it. What's taboo in America is killing someone over a difference in opinion. But is that so in Libya? 

From the little I know about Muslim culture, I imagine that perhaps insulting their religion and their prophet, Muhammad, would be a worse crime than committing murder. There are hundreds of incidences in history of people being put to death over violations in religious procedure and beliefs. This is perhaps a difficult concept to imagine happening in reality for those living in America.

But what I'm wondering is, if you knew there was a chance you'd be murdered this evening, what would you do? Without any background knowledge of the situation, I think most people would say, "Run", "Get on a plane and leave", or "Hide." But I imagine these men were just 'at work.' They were fulfilling their responsibility to 'financially provide for their family', and to 'provide services for Americans currently staying in Libya.' If you thought you 'might' be attacked that day, would you, leave work asap? Would you close the business early (assuming you had the power to)? Or would you just continue working, hoping that nothing would happen? 

J. Christopher Stevens was a good, intelligent, charismatic, and wonderful friend. He stayed and fulfilled his duty as ambassador. He hoped for the best ( I don't know that Stevens necessarily made a mistake, though leaving work early may likely have saved his life. I think, in a way, that he was exceptionally honorable in continuing to fulfill his duties, despite the threat on his life. Stevens was a brave and honorable man. A loyal employee and friend to Libya. I imagine that he loved and enjoyed his job at least most of the time. 

Lastly, I can't but help wonder, that if all Americans were striving to be as good a person as J. Christopher Stevens has been depicted, how vastly different America might be. I imagine it would be a much better place.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Silly girls in church

Have you ever wondered what girls are talking about secretly back and forth during church?

Well, I've just found a conversation from 3 years ago... two un-married and in their early 20s in a LDS singles' ward:

Do you know who those guys are over there ----> on the second row? One of them keeps looking back here towards us and it's starting to creep me out.

The one on the very end especially. I don't recognize them at all.

He's the one who's creeping me out the most.

No kidding. I wonder why he keeps looking over here. Maybe we are just too cute for our own jk.. bu tit is really kind of creepy. 

I kinda want to believe that, but I really doubt it. My theories are that he recognizes us from somewhere or he's got some plan to bet that has to do with us. LOL, maybe I'm creeping myself out more. 

Oooh, the bet theory is interesting. What do you think the bet is? Maybe they are trying to figure out where we got our shoes? No, never mind, he doesn't look femy, just slightly creepy. 

Well, Jordy's married because her husband made a bet with his brother to ask the next girl out who walks through the door. But this guy is creepy, so who knows what the bet might be about. 

That's such a cute story! Maybe there's no bet. Maybe he just can't stop gawking at the huge zit on my face...jk :) People should stop commenting on this side of the room so that he doesn't have an excuse to look over here. Man, why are we on the spiritual side of the class? :)

LOL, or gawking at the mosquito bites on my face?

I have so many mosquito bites it ain't even funny. Most of them are on my feet though. But that's my own fault... every chance I get, I take my shoes off. Man, mosquito bites drive me crazy!

I have a million too! I plan to wear long pants and shirts 'til they're gone because they're huge!

I should be as smart as you and wear long pants but I just love the feel of freshly shaved legs too much! I'm such a girly girl. :)

LOL, you're adorable. You don't look too bitten on your legs so you can totally get away with it by a landslide. You're way cute today. 

Ah, shucks, you are way too kind. It's a good thing you're not looking too closely. I love the fabric of your jumper. It's GORGEOUS!

Thanks! I figured it out. He's looking at the clock. 

OH GOOD! We are psychotic. :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Sheepdogs

I found this story on Facebook. I think it's worthy of contemplation.

After the Colorado shootings in the opening Theater Cinema show of Bateman, are we ready for whatever dangers lay ahead? Will our current preparedness be our regret in that moment of danger? Or be our salvation?

"If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen: a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath--a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for your fellow citizens? Then you are a sheepdog, a warrior, someone who is walking the hero’s path. Someone who can walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed. Everyone has been given a gift in life. Some people have a gift for science and some have a flair for art. And warriors have been given the gift of aggression. They would no more misuse this gift than a doctor would misuse his healing arts, but they yearn for the opportunity to use their gift to help others. These people, the ones who have been blessed with the gift of aggression and a love for others, are our sheepdogs. These are our warriors.

The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog. He looks a lot like the wolf. He has fangs and the capacity for violence. The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, cannot and will not ever harm the sheep. Any sheepdog who intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. Still, the sheepdog disturbs the sheep. He is a constant reminder that there are wolves in the land. They would prefer that he didn’t tell them where to go, or give them traffic tickets, or stand at the ready in our airports in camouflage fatigues holding an M-16. The sheep would much rather have the sheepdog cash in his fangs, spray paint himself white, and go, “Baa.”

Until the wolf shows up. Then the entire flock tries desperately to hide behind one lonely sheepdog.
Understand that there is nothing morally superior about being a sheepdog; it is just what you choose to be. Also understand that a sheepdog is a funny critter: He is always sniffing around out on the perimeter, checking the breeze, barking at things that go bump in the night, and yearning for a righteous battle. That is, the young sheepdogs yearn for a righteous battle. The old sheepdogs are a little older and wiser, but they move to the sound of the guns when needed right along with the young ones.

Here is how the sheep and the sheepdog think differently. The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day. After the attacks on September 11, 2001, most of the sheep, that is, most citizens in America said, “Thank God I wasn’t on one of those planes.” The sheepdogs, the warriors, said, “Dear God, I wish I could have been on one of those planes. Maybe I could have made a difference.”

-Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

For the Love of Concepts

Changed my blog title again... and I think I finally know how to use this blog. It's for thought provoking things... ideas, jokes, concepts people don't normally think about. Unique ideas that make my husband laugh. I might add a few political ideas here too. I'll try to keep my political opinions mellow though... don't want too much anger or passion on the subject, I think.

Stumbling on a Rhyme

After doing some canning of food last couple of years, I realized there is a serious problem with one of mother goose's nursery rhymes. 

"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers..."
by Mother Goose

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked;
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

The problem with this rhyme is that you can't pick pickled peppers because you have to pick them before you can pickle them, and therefore, the most they could be is 'pickling peppers' because that would say they are a variety of peppers often best used for pickling. Perhaps that's why no one can find those pickled peppers that peter piper supposedly picked. 

30 Days of Truth: Day 6

Day 06: Something you hope you never have to do

The first thing that came to mind was cleaning up throw-up. The second thing was, going through a terrible illness or disease. Between those two, the second one would be far worse.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Utah shopper meets Colorado shopper

A Utahan lady buys a fancy blouse at Kmart for $4 !!! She says, Oh my gosh, this is so cute! And such a deal, too! She goes on to buy it and wear it to many social events, bragging about the deal she got on it. Her friends are impressed.

A Coloradan lady's husband buys her a blouse from Macy's that costs $212. It's gorgeous and she loves it. She proceeds to wear it to many social events, bragging about how much her husband spent for it. Her friends are impressed.

The Coloradan lady takes her family on a vacation to Utah. These two ladies run into each other while taking their children to the Zoo. As their children admire the peacocks, the Coloradan lady compliments the Utahan lady on her beautiful blouse. "God, that's a pretty blouse!"
She smiles excitedly and says, "Oh, thank-you! I had just been admiring yours! Where did you get it?"
"My husband bought it for me for 212 dollars."
The Utahan lady gasps and covers her mouth. The Coloradan lady mistakes this for being impressed.
"Oh my gosh! How expensive! He must make a lot of money!"
"No, not really. He is a construction worker."
"Then why would you get a blouse that's so expensive?!"
Confused, the Coloradan lady asks, "Uh, how much did you get yours for?"
"Four dollars at Kmart; it was a great deal!"
Now it was the Coloradan lady's turn to gasp; She thought to herself, 'Why would you ever tell anyone you spent only $4 on your apparel?!'