Sunday, November 28, 2010

30 Days of Truth: Day 1

"30 days of truth"

So I stumbled across this the other day... kind of liked the idea... except some of it's pretty private... so i think answering some of them honestly could lead to some hurt feelings and unnecessary drama. . . but i think it would be fun for me to answer at least some of them. PS. I make no promises to answer them in order.

Day 1: Something you hate about yourself.
I don't really like the idea of hating something about myself. I don't have anything that I feel like i hate 24/7 and any given time... however, being a little scatterbrained doesn't serve me very well. However, it does make my high-strung husband laugh on a regular basis.

Secondly, my vocabulary could use some work. I have a habit of pronouncing things as they're spelled, rather than how they're said. Examples: "Herb" instead of "erb" and "equivocation" like "e-quiv-voc-ation"... i'm still not sure how that's suppose to sound. secondly, i mean, thirdly, when i can't think of a word, i'm fairly liberal on my substitutes. I used the word 'door' instead of 'driveway' or 'the entrance to a apt complex.' This type of thing tends to leave many people confused...

And lastly, I could use some more confidence.

That's about it. Nothing i hate about myself... just stuff that could definitely use some work.

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