Friday, October 29, 2010

Taxes & Obama: I'm really upset

So, i just got this email that listed many of the things that will be in affect by January 1, 2011 or shortly there after... and a lot of it looks legitimate... And AWFUL.

It basically says that Obama will tax the crap out of everybody and give them very little credit for anything. I assume that's because he's just given us all these *bonus* stimuluses that put the country in greater debt. Funny thing is, there's a lot of people and businesses who got shafted in these stimuluses.

A small example from my life, is their appliances stimulus. Bring in your old appliance, and get a new one, on Obama's bill. Merchants jacked up their prices because there was a sudden high demand. Consequently, upon getting married, my husband and I were having trouble affording our FIRST appliance. Suck. It's frustrating all these people getting their NEW car and NEW appliance and NEW TV adapter, when we couldn't get an ORIGINAL. Secondly, if we're in so much debt, where's the justification in getting NEW stuff? "Stimulus" he says. Has the president ever had a home economics class? There's a term called TNSTAAFL. That means, There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch; or in other words, Obama spends it for us citizens - like it's a free gift to us all... but he ain't paying for it. We are... plus interest.

That's going to make it ridiculously hard for anyone to save for retirement... or anything for that matter. We're all going to spend our lives paying interest on National Debt.

It's the Health insurance that makes me the most angry. Who gave him the right to tell me what i need to buy? If I'm tight on money, i'd pick food over health insurance any day.

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