Wednesday 13 November 2024
Today a bunch of large companies announced massive layoffs. I wonder if they were waiting till after the election to do so. Election day was 8 days ago.
Seven days ago, we found out Trump won a second term. The largely controlled left-wing media was totally shocked. All left wing Americans appear to be devastated. Not like other elections. Some opted to take off and have a sick day after the election, for more than just the sleep deprivation of watching till the votes were counted. I've heard dozens of people say they spent the day bawling. Everyone who went to work could tell who everyone voted for. You were either elated and throwing a party or devastated and on the verge of tears.
Some families are breaking up along political lines. The LGBTQ and women who believe in reproductive rights are cutting off their family members who have "voted their rights away" as the "Project 2025" plan outlines. Republicans in Utah largely deny Trump has any plans to implement Project 2025.
I am unclear about how life is going for immigrants. I'm shocked to hear that about 45% of legal-immigrants voted Republican, despite Trump's promise to deport their undocumented families and roll back amnesty. But it occurred to me today that they're probably sharing the neighborhood with drug dealers, gangs and traffickers... So maybe it does make sense that they would like a strong border.
Today I heard a rumor that the most googled question after the election was, "What's a tariff?" But I suspect it's more propaganda because I couldn't find it on Google trends. Both parties are using copious amounts of propaganda. People don't agree on what the facts are in our reality. The news programs seem most interested in getting clicks and have been publishing clickbait for a while now.
MSNBC is up for sale today and others may soon follow. It's weird to realize news stations get sold. To me, news always seemed like a public service the way PBS was funded by donations and on behalf of appropriate tv shows for children.
I have an ultra right wing uncle who enjoys arguing politics with me. He sends me ridiculous amounts of "shorts" (mini-videos) full of propaganda. A lot of it is inaccurate. Some of it isn't. But it's frustrating to sift through. Name calling bothers me more than most propaganda tactics, and he sends me a lot of that.
I've spent a lot of time this year trying to understand the perspectives of both sides. It's been a difficult task. A lot of people don't want to talk about it and sometimes I get triggered and start arguing instead of listening. Often they do too.
I made a joke in therapy last week... "We're all about to start our very own Anne Frank diaries." The left certainly believes we're in the Nazi era. I thought so too for this entire year. Until this week.
I really struggle with watching the debates, because of the contentious nature of it, so I've been watching the news clips afterwards... And apparently it was possibly... very manipulated. Three days after the election, I watched Joe Rogan's interview with Trump. I was totally shocked. That was the first video I'd seen where Trump sounded like a rational, intelligent human being. The interview was 3 hours long. I was so surprised and impressed with the content, it felt like the political version of a religious faith crisis, all over again.
I feel like I need to go back and endure watching all those debates and speeches to find out if the horrible things I've seen clips of Trump saying... were actually sarcasm or jokes like Republicans I've talked to, have claimed. The very first allegation of him "admitting to sexual assaulting a woman"... Looked to be "locker talk" with a lack of context.
Maybe all those clips of horrible things he said n. Maybe it was Trump's "entertainment" personality on the podium, after years of being on TV shows and always in the public eye. Just exaggerating the truth or being sarcastic because that's engaging entertainment.
If most everything the left sold people on public news stations was a false narrative, while simultaneously suppressing other perspectives under the guise of "dangerous misinformation,"... And people cut off their family members over it... Just.. wow. That's some deep harm.
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