Friday, July 31, 2009

JobSearching and Interviewing

?Yikes@ i just got out of an interview for a job... and i find out on email tonight if i get it or not. I was nervous, and therefore a bit shy, but other than that i did okay. one or two questions i could have answered better. whoops. oh well. i haven't had an interview for a while... I'm a bit rusty.

And now that I've had an interview... I'm ready to run away! scary! I'm going to go hide in my social activities and my hobbies again.. except for the fact I'm running out of money... hate how that happens.

I wanted to call someone to help chill out, but I'm out of cell minutes... and they're not online at gmail, so here i found blogger. Woot.

I'm not really nervous about the job or doing the job. It's something i think i could do well and really enjoy. But proving or showing them that i can do it, is something entirely different... well, i might have to do lesson plans for the kids... i've never done that before. But i'd like to think i can do it because i've not failed at hardly anything before. But this is someone who's naive about the topic. I bet i'll find out it's a lot harder than i think.


DNA3e8 said...

"so here i found blogger" I Can relate to that. When I have something I need to shot on a mountain top, or just get out of my system... I can Blog it. The social power of online tools feels lower than face to face (or phone) but just 'vocalizing' it helps.
PS texting is an option :)

Anyway- Congrats on the job- You will do great.

DNA3e8 said...

'hide in my social activities and my hobbies again' Oh how we like our comfort zones! But ho much more we can do when we stretch outside the box. The Hills we can clime and mountains we conquer! Hope the hiding doesn't last too long. But acknowledging it is half the battle.

Teresa Gashler said...

Hey Keshia, how are you doing? I need a mega update on your life :)

DNA3e8 said...

If you want an update then call her (or email) and you can hear about me.

Keyisme said...

hahaha, it's true... apparently i don't see new comments too often... i.e. two years later...