Wednesday, September 10, 2008


this blogspot is for keshia and her little life. and it may not always be a little life, but right now, it's so little, there's not a whole lot to say about it. i could probably sum it up in a few sentences. but that won't happen today. because today she just wants to check out yay! -keshia


DNA3e8 said...

LOL I read your post last to first- You my feel little. Pulling from Socrates- We are all part of The Great Conversation: We come and we go, We listen and respond. But we can only add if we open our moth or pickup our pen. With out adding Humanity will remain in ignorance.

Keyisme said...

LoL. Thanks. you know, you write responses to my posts that sound like something an English teacher would be thrilled that you put so much thought into. it's cheesy, but i really like it.