Thursday, March 3, 2011

30 days of Truth: Day 5

Something you hope to do in your life:

I had a million goals as a child. I wanted to learn every hobby out there... nearly... I wanted to write a complete dictionary that included every word that existed... I wanted to have it all perfect and do it all the right way... and never have debt except for a house... I wanted to know how to fix everything so i'd never have to pay anyone to fix it...

Then i started learning how to do some of those... and i learned i have no patience for sewing or car repair. I learned that i'm scared for high-risk hobbies such as skiing, nor do i wish to try to afford it.

As i grew older, i had goals like, go to college, get a degree, marry a wonderful guy, and have kids. Having kids is the only thing i haven't done yet, as far as those 4 go.

And i can't say i 'hope' to have kids, because i'm totally planning on it... in the next couple years-ish. But my goals at this point aren't the kind of "Wow", that everybody admires... like becoming a helicopter pilot (which i still think sounds fun...); they're more like...

1. preparing for the commitment of raising children
2. learning to be a good wife
3. learning the give and take of favors within a family
4. learning when, where, and how to set boundaries
5. coming to an understanding of past events
6. figuring out what hobbies are still worth pursuing
7. learning how to budget so i can pay off debt and save

It's a busy lot to learn, but not an easily measurable one... however, i can tell when i've made some progress... most of the time. However, sometimes it's my husband that points it out.

30 Days of Truth: Day 4

Something you have to forgive someone for:

Ah ha! So the story must come out now from Day 3 post...

I must forgive my father for...

...this is where i wrote down 5 points i need to forgive him for... but unfortunately, i couldn't bring myself to post them. He's not a bad guy... it just wasn't his strengths. Some of them... he just didn't know how to be that person.

30 days of Truth: Day 3

Something you have to forgive yourself for:

Throwing away my brothers toys when we were young children. I thought they were butt ugly. Like a neon yellow motorcycle.

Or cheating them out of their favorite toys - Like cleaning Ben's room for him and then demanding payment - of his favorite hot wheel car - a purple vw bug.

I've been trying to make up for it - i bought Ben another one to replace it... unfortunately not the very same one, as that one is lost in a parental storage unit... that story is for some other day of truth...

30 Days of Truth:Day 2

Something I love about myself:

I love that I still like to play like a little kid. I like swinging on the swings, I like playing with the kid's meal toys, and I love spontaneously having fun with whatever I run across.

Like the other day, I bought a kid's meal at Carl's Jr - the chicken strips (which tasted much better than the Western Bacon Cheeseburger) and got a Megamind toy that i practically jumped up and down when i found, and nearly fought out of my 17 year old brother-in-law's hands. It was intense.