Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tears, Blood, and Sorrow

I have this friend... and she has a lot of personal issues. I've been 'best friends' with her for about 4 years... but she has this nasty habit of regularly accusing her friends that they're trying to get rid of her as a friend. I always try to reassure her, but this month, I've been getting a little sick of this game. And a little sick of her asking me to save her from her mistakes. And a little sick that she thinks she's a reliable friend, but in reality, hasn't slowed down to be a friend to me in the last year and a half.

On top of that, she lives 3 years in the past, and expects me to still act somewhat single and unmarried, as well as expect that from my husband - because she knew him when he was single. And expects all of us former roommates to be the same people we were 3 years ago. Which is getting a little ridiculous.

Is it so wrong to dump her?